Fruit Pomegranates Prevent Breast Cancer

03 October 2011

Fruit Pomegranates Prevent Breast Cancer

Womens Health Problems - Did you know that now Pomegranates are now to be excellent. Pomegranate proved to have tremendous benefits for this womens health problems, Also good for the heart, the pomegranate was also effective against breast cancer. Apparently eating or drinking pomegranate juice can prevent or reduce some types of breast cancer. According to the study, the pomegranate contains phytocemicals called ellagitannin in significant amounts. The content may reduce the progression of breast cancer cells that are responsive to estrogen.

The results of laboratory tests showed that pomegranate (pomegranate) contains chemical compounds that can reduce the risk of the formation of hormones that cause breast cancer. Fruit that tastes fresh and sweet it contains phytochemicals and high content of polyphenol antioxidants. These compounds inhibit the enzyme function associated with the development of estrogen. Breast cancer is influenced by the hormone estrogen. If a woman is no longer producing estrogen, the risk of breast cancer would decrease.

"We were quite surprised by the results of our research. Previously we found other fruits, like grapes, capable of working as an inhibitor of the enzyme. However, the phytochemicals in pomegranates and grapes were different, "said Shuan Chen, Chief Researcher of the Breast Cancer Research Program at City of Hope, California, USA. However, the researchers could not confirm the number of doses effective for preventing breast cancer given the chemical compounds derived from foods is not easily absorbed.

However, experts say there's nothing wrong with pomegranate juice drink, let alone the content of antioxidants in one glass of pomegranate more than one glass of red wine, green tea, or orange juice. "In addition to preventing the development of breast cancer, pomegranate juice will also protect other organs and tissue," said Chen.

That is one tips for womens health problems which is to reduce the risk of breast cancer menutrut penelitin results prove that the benefits of pomegranates help prevent breast cancer. hopefully can be an alternative to make the breast more healthy, and avoid breast cancer.(Womens Health Problems)